Process Used for the Community Assessment

Burke County, North Carolina is growing and changing, and families need services to grow and change with it. In 2022, the Community Foundation of Burke County sponsored a project to investigate the types and accessibility of services for children living in families with low incomes. The Family, Infant and Preschool Program (FIPP) served as the lead agency conducting the investigation. The results of this investigation highlighted the following. 

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The Burke County Community Assessment was a two-year project to assess the resources that serve children living in poverty in Burke County. This initiative was a collaborative effort among Burke County agencies and families with a focus on transparency. The Community Assessment Project occurred in three phases: 

  • Phase I: Data Collection

  1. A FIPP workgroup gathered information about how poverty is defined and determined in Burke County, NC. 
  2. The FIPP workgroup used county-level census data to describe the demographics of families living in poverty in Burke County.
  3. The FIPP workgroup developed a matrix of all known agencies and service providers.
  4. The workgroup recruited executive representatives from key agencies providing services to Burke County children and parents from across the county to establish an advisory group of stakeholders.
  5. Stakeholders identified what information is needed from service providers and consumers of services to inform the community assessment and developed two surveys.
  6. The FIPP workgroup disseminated the family survey over a four-month period using the school system's communication platform, post cards disseminated through agencies, and ....

  • Phase II: Data Analysis and Interpretation

  1. A FIPP statestician analyzed the qualitative data from the surveys.
  2. The FIPP workgroup systematically analyzed trends from the qualitative survey data.
  3. The FIPP workgroup summarized the data for the stakeholder group.

  • Phase III: Agreeing Upon Recommendations

  1. The stakeholder group discussed the data and brainstormed actions and initiatives that could remove key barriers to services for children living in poverty.
  2. The stakeholder group refined and came to consensus on feasible recommendations that address identified barriers to services for children living in poverty.
  3. The stakeholder group reviewed and agreed with the final report.

​​For more information about the Burke County Childhood Poverty Assessment contact

Summary of Findings